Log in to Sweeply
Brynja Þrastardóttir avatar
Written by Brynja Þrastardóttir
Updated over a week ago

To log in to Sweeply you must have a valid Sweeply user account. Enter your phone number, and we will send you a text message including a verification code.

In case you don't receive the verification code, you can also use the Magic Link to log in:

We will then send a link to the email address associated with your account. Please check if the user has an email associated with his user account in Sweeply since that is not a required field when creating a new user. Also, please make sure to check your spam folder in case the email accidentally ends there.


Just to let you know, to access the Magic link, you will need to open the email on the same device and browser you used to request it. For instance, if you asked for the link on your computer, you must also open the Magic link email on your computer. The same applies if you requested the link on your phone - you must open the email in your phone's email client.

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